Purchase A Personalized Brick

Reserve a prominent place for yourself in history by buying a personalized brick:

You may purchase a brick in your name or for a child, a friend or just someone you’ve always admired for whom you wish to do something special. How about purchasing a brick in a loved one’s memory? Personalized bricks make unique Birthday, Holiday or Special Occasion gifts for friends and relatives.

The cost of a personalized 4×8; brick is $100.00 each for the first brick and $80.00 for each additional brick. Filler in the engraved area will provide a permanent contrast and protect the quality of the engraving. Bricks can be engraved with up to 15 characters per line (including punctuation). Your message must fit within the spaces provided and will appear exactly as shown (No Exceptions). Text will be centered in all uppercase letters. Special letters, fonts or symbols not found on a standard keyboard may not be used.

Once you complete the order form, please contact Jennifer Michaux (904) 669-3036 for processing.

The Cups

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The Fishing Tournament

Info about the tournament.


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Tijuana Flats

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